Service Provider App


The blue-collar job industry requires an organized structure and better opportunities. There is a growing need for different types of service providers. The service provider app will help connect the job provider with the customer who needs it thus offering better opportunities, more options, and convenience to both parties involved.

Business Problem

The blue-collar service industry is pretty unorganized. Whether the customer needs a plumber or a carpenter, they need to go through several Google searches and referrals before they can find one.

The laborers or hourly wagers too have to wait endlessly before they can get the paid opportunity. In some cases, the wager would sit for hours together and not find a single opportunity.

This leads to wastage of resources and unavailability of services providers on time. while there are plenty of jobs, people seem to be unavailable and vice versa.

The Big Idea

There was a need to create a place where the service providers will meet the customers so that they can exchange job opportunities, fix prices and get the work done on time.

The big idea- The service provider app is a marketplace for service providers and end customers.

A Small Brief into Service Provider App

  • The service industry is full of opportunities. However, it takes up a while before the opportunity meets the right provider.
  • To close the existing gap, accelerate the process of finding a good service provider for your needs, and ensure both provider and customer are on the same page, a service provider app was developed.
  • The client and the provider will create their accounts. The client can search for the provider by location and locate someone nearby. Once the client has located the provider, they can discuss on chat and expedite the process.
  • The customer can complete payments within the application. The provider can check the payment history. They can also access the reports.

Our Process

  • During the Pandemic, the blue-collar jobs slumped, and this industry was undergoing a crisis situation. As more people opted for online searches, it was important for the industry to adapt to the change.
  • The client approached us with an idea to make the service industry on-demand. Whenever there is a demand for a particular job provider, the app should notify and the person interested can accept.
  • After several iterations, we were able to build the logic and coding plans. We even designed the prototypes and got them approved by our clients.
  • A fast-paced approach and involvement from both sides led to quick development and faster deployment.
service provider app


The biggest challenge was to make it a dynamic service marketplace. This means as soon as a job is added to the application, it should be visible to the providers in real-time.

Instead of making the app heavy and data management difficult, we create an admin web portal. All jobs were added and retrieved from this portal. It helped save cost estimates and other essential data and served it to customers when needed.

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  • User Verification

    User verification is the need of the hour for on demand services apps to avoid spamming as well as consumer security. We have integrated phone number based user login for user verification features as well as document verification process for service providers to join the platform.

  • Nearby Search Module

    In the service provider app, consumers can search for required services on address location and mobile apps will show nearby service providers accordingly on the Google Map.

  • Google Map Integration

    Consumers and service providers, both can view services location on Google Map to easily locate the service location.

  • Service Request Module

    Service providers and consumers can manage current and previous service requests from the mobile app. Both users can view updates for their service request within the app itself.

  • Real-Time Updates

    In the service provider app, consumers will get real-time updates via push notifications for their request status and can view all status updates in the request screen.

  • In-App Payment Module

    Consumers can pay online for the service requests within the app via payment gateway integration. Consumers will be charged for the service request via pre-authorized payment process.

  • Service Provider Availability

    Service providers can manage their profile as well as set their online availability for all the weekdays with timings for each.

  • Review & Rating

    Consumers can rate their experience once a request is completed by the service providers.

  • Push notifications

    service provider app includes push notifications, so that users don’t miss any updates.

  • User Management

    Admin can manage consumers users and service provider users from web portal. Admin can verify the documentation submitted by the service providers.

  • Service Request Management

    Admin can manage consumers service requests and view the status of service requests from the web portal.

  • User Verification

    User verification is the need of the hour for on demand services apps to avoid spamming as well as consumer security. We have integrated phone number based user login for user verification features as well as document verification process for service providers to join the platform.

  • Nearby Search Module

    Consumers can search for required services on address location and mobile apps will show nearby service providers accordingly on the Google Map.

  • Google Map Integration

    In the service provider app, consumers and service providers, both can view services location on Google Map to easily locate the service location.

  • Service Request Module

    Service providers and consumers can manage current and previous service requests from the mobile app. Both users can view updates for their service request within the app itself.

  • Real-Time Updates

    Consumers will get real-time updates via push notifications for their request status and can view all status updates in the request screen.

  • In-App Payment Module

    Consumers can pay online for the service requests within the app via payment gateway integration. Consumers will be charged for the service request via pre-authorized payment process.

  • Service Provider Availability

    Service providers can manage their profile as well as set their online availability for all the weekdays with timings for each.

  • Review & Rating

    Consumers can rate their experience once a request is completed by the service providers.

  • Push notifications

    App includes push notifications, so that users don’t miss any updates.

  • User Management

    Admin can manage consumers users and service provider users from web portal. Admin can verify the documentation submitted by the service providers.

  • Service Request Management

    Admin can manage consumers service requests and view the status of service requests from the web portal.

App Screenshot

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